demand response (DR)

A customer-side reduction in electricity consumption, used to modify the timing and/or quantity of demand on the power grid during peak usage times. Examples of demand response (DR) range from time of use (TOU) price rates for residential customers, to on-site power generation for those commercial & industrial (C&I) customers whom have the ability. Some uses of DR include, but are not limited to: avoiding brownouts; balancing a power grid's electricity consumption/production relationship; and lowering electricity prices during peak demand.

Refers to a set of time-dependent activities that reduce electricity use to improve grid reliability, manage costs, and encourage load shedding during times when the electric grid is near capacity or prices are high.

Fully automated demand response is initiated at a home, building, or facility through receipt of an external signal. The receipt of the signal initiates pre-programmed shedding strategies. Facility staff at each site pre-program the control systems to receive the signals.